
If you have a site related to DWI that you feel should be listed here, please email us.
Be sure to check out the Tools & Utilities page for other resources.
- DDRManiaX
Has several DWI songfiles for downloading, including many originals.
DDR East Invasion also has many DWI songfiles for downloading, as well as some discussion boards. They also host the fabulous Tournamix competitions, where people send in their custom-made DWI files.
An active site featuring songfiles, a user forum, and useful links.
- SimFile Format Types
AJ187 has written a fairly complete information file concerning the file formats used by DWI and a number of other music-game simulators. Well worth the read if you're thinking about creating your own step-files and want to get a basic idea of how they work.
Other Simulators
- Stepmania
An open-source simulator by Chris Danford and many others.
